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    Exclusive Title

Where tradition meets innovation

  • Guild Wars

    Engage in epic battles with your guild for dominance, glory, and valuable rewards!

    A True Sandbox MMORPG

    RavenQuest is at it’s core a Massive Sandbox MMORPG, where players change and alter the world.

    Skill Based Crafting & Gathering

    Master the art of crafting and gathering with skill-based systems for legendary items!

    Arena Solo & Duo

    Showcase your ability in intense Solo & Duo PvP Arena and obtain unique rewards.

  • Explore a Massive Dynamically Changing World

    Uncover mysteries, join thrilling adventures, and experience breathtaking stories!

    Claim & Grow Your Own Land

    Claim land anywhere in the world of RavenQuest, from dense jungles to mountain peaks or a secluded island.

    House Customization

    Personalize your home with pets, furniture, rooms, and more to make it truly your own homestead!

    Ships & Wagons

    Design 1000’s of unique ships and wagons with our highly customizable vehicle system.

  • Free to Play

    RavenQuest is and forever will be fully Free to Play!

    Player Driven Economy

    The players that fill the world of RavenQuest are responsible for every single resource gathered, item crafted and sold in-game.

    Rewarding Community First

    We prioritize rewarding our true community first, instead of bad actors abusing the ecosystem for their own profit.

    Advanced Anti-Cheat Systems

    Battleye for Client Level Protection, Anybrain for Player Behavior Anti-Cheat & 24/7 Manual Player Audits to ensure a fair experience for all.

  • Unlock Rare Cosmetics

    Complete Quests, gather rare materials and drops, to create 100’s of unique outfit, ship, wagon and mount cosmetics.


    Collect 100’s of different Companions, from common Companions to exclusive one of one Companions!

    Deep Land Customization

    Fully customize your piece of RavenQuest for the world to see with an exceptionally deep land customization system.

    Collect RavenCards

    Further customize your Abilities with collectable RavenCards that fit your unique playstyle.


A Feature Rich Game


Endless Character Customization

  • With the eyes of a hawk and the swiftness of a falcon, Archery users outpace their opponents with speed and vision. Ranged combat is this Archetype’s specialty, empowering its users with an array of deadly arrows to be shot from afar. And if an enemy gets too close—an Archery user can draw upon disengage abilities to slow their opponent and create enough separation for a killing shot. The Rohna Brotherhood has been able to evade the Ravenguard for decades, largely due to the strength of this Archetype.

  • Channeling the restorative light of the Dawn, White Magic is the primary healing Archetype in the world of RavenQuest. While this Archetype focuses on keeping its user and their allies alive on the field of battle, the full power of the Dawn should not be underestimated… skilled users can call down its holy force to smite their enemies where they stand.

  • Strong-footed and brave, these users never lose their unbreakable spirit in the heat of battle. The preferred Archetype of the mighty Ravenguard, users of Protection are often found in the vanguard of armies, defending their allies and bashing in the skulls of their enemies. Their morale in battle is legendary, a powerful force which affects friend and foe alike.

  • Using the shadows as a cloak, users of this Archetype prefer to extinguish the lives of their victims without ever being seen. The Shadow Archetype makes use of toxins and deception to weaken targets before dealing a fatal blow. Shadow users are heralds of death—by the time you’ve seen one, you’re already dead.

  • Users of the Spiritual Archetype have a supernatural calm, able to focus intensely upon the invisible threads that tie the world together. With a honed mind, they can summon these forces to aid their allies—protecting them with barriers of wind, hastening their movements, and refreshing their dwindling stores of mana. An adept of Spiritual Magic is an invaluable member to any team.

  • With a ravenous appetite for bloodshed, Warfare is the favored Archetype of orcs and barbarians. Users of this Archetype specialize in brute force combat, able to draw upon the lifeblood they’ve spilled to heal themselves and strengthen their savage attacks. A Warfare user in the throes of bloodlust and hatred is a terrible sight to behold.

  • An Archetype said to have originated from ancient vampiric cults, Witchcraft users mix occult powers with the ability to gain strength from the weaknesses of others. There is no one better than a Witchcraft user at finding an enemy’s flaw and exploiting it to their advantage… which makes them incredibly dangerous foes.

  • Bending the elements to their will, Wizardry users harness the power of Ice and Fire to devastate their enemies. Whether igniting foes in flames or ensnaring them in ice, Wizardry users call upon powerful single-target and area spells to deal massive amounts of damage on the battlefield. With the potential to single-handedly shift the tide of battle, a user of this Archetype is truly an arcane force to be reckoned with.


Play Your Way

In RavenQuest, customization is key! By mixing and matching together abilities from three different Archetypes, you can shape your character as you see fit. Unlock powerful classes through endless combinations: charge through the battlefield while raining down ice storms as a towering Dreadknight; turn into the perfect assassin as a Shadowstriker or harness the raw magical power of an Arcanist. Don’t settle for just one playstyle, make your own!
Fishing Carpentry weaving cooking breeding Breeding woodcutting farming farming husbandry

Professions of RavenQuest

  • Fishing

    RavenQuest’s rivers, lakes and oceans have plenty of game to offer. You can take a leisure day fishing along the shoreline a stone's throw away from your island estate, or venture far out into the open sea, braving the tides as you reel in the mysterious and cunning creatures that lurk deep below the surface. Whatever the case, the life of a fisher is filled with lucrative opportunities and adventure!

  • Carpentry

    Become proficient in the ancient trade of woodworking. The work of the carpenter is tireless, as they not only provide the essential furniture to turn your house into a home, but deal in the making of a wide range of items, from common fishing rods to legendary shark-catchers, a carpentry artisan has the ability to turn simple planks into masterfully crafted bows and powerful arcane staffs.

  • Weaving

    Train a steady hand and a firm grip, for working cloth and leather into fabulous attires and apparels is no child’s play! You’ll be able to craft fine items ranging from commonwear clothing to magically imbued garments with incredible enchantments… and style. Be on the lookout for the latest fashion trends and weave your path to success!

  • Cooking

    Whether it is a comforting meal in the cozyness of your home or prepping a refreshing snack to have while outdoors adventuring, being a skilled cook has its perks. Develop a well-trained palate, for a great cook is beloved by everyone from the common peasant to the mightiest king, their meals can both grant incredible vitality and inspire others to greatness.

  • Breeding

    Take your Moas a step further by learning how to select the best traits from each of them and ensuring those are passed on to their offspring. Breed and raise the fastest Moa in all of RavenQuest or maybe seek out those rare feather hues that will make all the other breeders turn green with envy!

  • Mining

    Danger lurks around every corner in the life of a miner, but they stand to gain the most, for the silent stone hides treasure always ready to be taken by skilled hands. Climb RavenQuest’s mightiest peaks or delve deep into treacherous caves, prospect your way to veins of untold richness and unearth valuable ores and minerals or priceless gemstones of stunning beauty.

  • Farming

    The settling of RavenQuest would’ve never been possible without the efforts of skilled farmers. You can always gather what nature has lying around, but there are better rewards in working the soil and sowing the seeds of profit. Whether you want to reap valuable crops or seek to feed the hungry, the choice is yours. Tame the land! Make it your own and harvest its bounty!

  • Woodcutting

    There are few resources as readily available and in such high demand as wood, although it takes a strong hand and an iron will to plunder it. From the gentle willow to the mighty oak, no matter what green titan you’ve marked for felling, you can be certain that the work you do is the fuel for greatness. Ships and carts, homes and towns are waiting to be made, so grab your trusty axe and chop away!

  • Blacksmithing

    Craft items, equipment and apparel for everyday adventuring, or hammer out a path to become a blacksmith of renown. Master the anvil and forge a fabled arsenal fit for Kings! Whether you seek to temper the sharpest blade or work the scales of powerful dragons into armor, know that your work is the shaping of life and death.

  • Husbandry

    There’s a lot of effort and patience in domesticating animals and taming the wild things, but the rewards are plenty. Set up a farm of your own, take good care of your livestock, cultivate a gentle hand and reap the benefits of nature’s produce. Be the shepherd of your life and the multitude of others that depend on you!

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • While many blockchain-based games require a monetary investment to start playing, RavenQuest is and forever will be completely Free to Play.

  • RavenQuest is accessible on PC or Mobile with full cross-play between the two. RavenQuest was designed as a PC-first game, but the entire game is at your fingertips on Mobile as well!

  • Yes! RavenQuest has been developed with accessibility as a core principle. It is integral to us that we allow anyone to play RavenQuest even on the most basic devices.

  • RavenQuest is a game rich with Player versus Player mechanics. Although the game features a Zone System making PvP avoidable for those who don’t wish to partake. PvP offers high incentives and greater earning opportunities through yield Tradepack routes & combat rewards.

  • RavenQuest features a massively content rich MMORPG experience that has been developed over the last 7 years to create a truly immersive and dynamically changing world filled with lore, puzzles, player decisions, and a strong player-driven economy using self-balancing algorithms. After two years of private public testing, RavenQuest’s release is right around the corner.
